Our Story


We’re a church committed to leading people to Christ, then equipping and edifying them, as we all strive to fulfill the work Jesus instructed us to do when He said:

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…”

– Matthew 28:18


We believe in the complete atonement of our sins through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that anyone who receives Christ with a repentant heart of faith shall be saved.

– Eph. 2:8; Romans: 10:9-11


We are proud to be located in Michigan, where we serve the entire Greater Detroit community.  Whether you live in the heart of the city or the surrounding suburbs, we’re here to serve you. Our ministry has no boundaries touching lives across the country. 

We Build Hope

Hope in Christ is sure and goes beyond natural sight.

(Romans 8:24,25)

Building your faith in God brings hope and helps us to stand with courage.

(Psalms 31:24)

How we got started

Pastor Vincent A Colbert founded “Grace In The Word” Ministries (GITW) out of love. 

As of 2013, Pastor Colbert handed over God’s Grace Ministries Church and the Rightly Dividing the Word Bible Institute after 24 years of faithful pastoral service. 

The following years were spent focusing on Pastor Colbert’s teaching and ministry methods. The Lord, however, moved Pastor Colbert deeply after he traveled and observed such dramatic changes in the church’s love and mission.

Having returned to the essential work of pastoring and building “church families”, he aimed to: 

“Change lives through God’s Word and His love.”

The mission of GITW is to train and equip believers with the tools they need to live out God’s purpose.